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Christmas Tree Cupcakes

Looking for a quick easy way to treat your child's class on the last day before their Winter Break? I think I have just the solution you need.

For today's creativeness you will need the following items:

Cupcakes (the amount will depend on how many people you are looking to serve)
Buttercream Icing
Green Gel Food Coloring
Rainbow Sprinkles
Fondant Mini Stars
Piping Bag 
Large Star Tip

Start with the preparation of your cupcakes as per your own or boxed recipe... and just before bake time you will need to add in a dollop or two of your green gel food coloring to the batter...then divide evenly into medium sized baking cups and bake.

While your cupcakes are baking and cooling you will need to whip up a quick batch of Buttercream Icing. Once your icing is fully mixed, add in some green gel food coloring until you achieve a nice Christmas tree green look. For 32 cupcakes a batch and a half of icing will be needed to create your Christmas Tree Toppers.

With your cupcakes baked and cooled...

The icing mixed and tinted...

It is time to start creating.

Start by inserting your large Star Tip in to your pastry bag and filling it up with some of the green icing you mixed up.

Taking your cupcake, place your star tip on one side of the cupcake. Begin to move your hand in a slow circle; creating not only a swirl but building each swirl layer upon layer until you reach the desired height. At this point you release the pressure on the pastry bag and pull away...

Voila! You have a mini icing Christmas tree...

Once all your cupcakes are topped with trees you will need to take out your rainbow sprinkles and with your cupcakes over a container to catch the loose ones, now is the time to cover each tree in an assortment of colors  The sprinkles will give the affect of Christmas trees on top of each cupcake.

To finish them off cut yourself some mini stars out of yellow fondant and place a star on top of each tree.

All done and ready to eat....

Now Go Be Brave...and Wow your children's friends with this simple but beautiful Christmas treat.


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