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Everyone Could Use a Little LOVE....

Just this morning BabyBear informed me that it was LOVE DAY... and for this reason she wanted us to make heart chocolate chip cookies for everyone. She let me know that we could make half of them with brown chocolate for the Papa and Jr Bear and the other half with white chocolate for me (due to my Crohn's I am unable to have anything with caffeine in it). I thought that I would put aside my idea for a post and instead fill our space with our version of her love cookies....

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies (Adapted from Created by Diane)

1/3 Cup Melted Butter 
2 Cups Brown Sugar
2 Teaspoons Vanilla
3 Eggs
2.5 Teaspoons Baking Powder
3 Cups Flour
3 Cups Chocolate Chips

Start with preheating your oven to a toasty warm 350ยบ.

Cream together your melted butter and brown sugar. To that add in your eggs one at a time, mixing well in between each addition. Next in to the bowl is your vanilla...mix well.

Time to add in your baking powder and flour...mix until combined.

Last to join the party is your choice of chocolate chips and blend.

Now this is where we really start to differ on our preparation choices. I tried the flour on the counter top, roll out and cut method. I ended up with a sticky mess all over my counter.

SO...BabyBear and I pulled it all up off the counter and put it back into the bowl and then into the fridge to chill for 10 minutes before attempting our method...

Place parchment paper down on your cookie sheet with a cookie cutter on top...

Scoop a golf ball size section of dough, roll it in your hands slightly and place inside the cookie cutter...

Dipping your finger tips into a bowl of water, slightly wet your working ones...

Press your dough into the cookie cutter until it is completely, evenly flat and in the shape of the cutter....

Remove your cutter by pressing slightly on the dough around the inner edges and pull it off.

You will most likely need to reshape the cookie dough on the edges but not too much.

Place in your oven to bake for 10 minutes and ENJOY!!


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